Foundation’s “NoGoFallMaga” community releases investment scam handbook

The CyberSafe Foundation “NoGoFallMaga” (NGFM) Community, says it has released its first investment scam handbook through its community platform.

The Foundation in a statement, on Sunday in Lagos, said the book was released on Aug. 12 to align with the World Youth Day.

NoGoFallMaga Community Manager, Enyinna Abazie, said that the platform had released “The Phishing Handbook” and “The Book of Scams” over the years to tackle various segments of scams in the country.

He said that the investment scam handbook was an essential tool that would protect individuals and businesses from investment scams.

Abazie said that the book would provide an in-depth look at the warning signs of ponzi scams and offer tips on how to stay safe.

He said that the objective was for the handbook to continuously educate people on these cyber crime tactics.

“The timely release of the handbook is to align with the theme for this year’s World Youth Day, which is ‘Intergenerational Solidarity’.

“The NGFM community wants to encourage people, especially the youth to show solidarity with other generations by educating them about the danger of investment scams,” he said.

Abazie said that since youths were the most active online and conversant with emerging technologies, the onus was on them to act as a sort of intergenerational stop gap, protecting nefarious activities of fraudsters.

Abazie said, “Our biggest ponzi burst so far was getting involved with the ‘Intelligence Prime Capital Scam.”


He said the organisation claimed to have a trading bot which used artificial intelligence to make a steady stream of profit.

Abazie said that ponzi schemes tend to go undetected for years and by the time they were exposed, it was often too late.

He said that the NogoFallMaga community, whose primary focus was on digital fraud, had intervened in several cybersecurity cases across the country.

Abazie said the community had in the past exposed a fake job syndicate impersonating the United Nations online.

NAN reports that CyberSafe Foundation’s NGFM community is a group of online security experts set to help people protect their money, assets, and identities online.

NGFM has 142 active volunteers and has uncovered and exposed over 20 ponzi schemes in Nigeria alone.



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