Zimbabwe Orders Nigerian Traders, Others Out

By Alphonsus E.W

Robert Mugabe

Zimbabwean authorities say they have given foreign shop-owners, most of whom are Nigerians and Chinese nationals an ultimatum of up until January 1 2014 to either hand over their businesses to locals or face arrest.

A top official of the black empowerment ministry said that only Zimbabweans had the right to run shops that have sprung up across the country and are termed foreign businesses targeted under the country’s black empowerment laws, the state-controlled Herald Newspaper has reported.

Under the country’s economic empowerment legislation, areas reserved for the locals include retail and wholesale businesses, barbing and hairdressing salons, bakeries, employment agencies, grain milling booths amongst other small businesses.

The ministry of black empowerment has through its spokesperson, George Magosvongwe, stated that the ministry was preparing measures to ensure the exit of foreigners from the retail sector would not bring about shortages in the economy.

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