Zambia holds funeral for late President

sata's burial

President Michael Sata’s body returned to the last place he made a public appearance as his body was taken to parliament for the last time.

President Sata last made an appearance on September 19 when he addressed parliament and as was on that day there was a sense of grief among the attendees.

Former Presidents Kenneth Kaunda and Rupiah Banda joined in the ceremony that also attracted opposition leaders Hakainde Hichlema and Nevers Mumba of the UPND and MMD respectively.

There was also the creepy presence of a certain Rajan Mahtani who has become notorious for having the country’s leadership in his pocket.

Acting President Guy Scott sat nervously alongside his nemesis Edgar Lungu at the centre of the high table.

The body was couriered into parliament buildings just after 09:00 hours and later on a 21 man gun salute was performed.

Former First Lady Christine Kaseba was part of the ceremony with the comics of a certain Cosmo Mumba part of the menu as he wandered around declaring himself the youngest opposition leader in the country who will be on the ballot at the next election.

The touchy subject of elections and candidates was skillfully skirted around by Patriotic Front Secretary General Edgar Lungu who insisted the country was still mourning.

Another viewing session for visiting Heads of State will be conducted at State House. President Michael Sata will be buried tomorrow.



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