Brand Nigeria on Thursday scored a much-needed landmark on the global stage by winning a seat into the United Nations Security Council as a non-permanent member with an overwhelming vote of 186 out of a possible 194. Nigerian being one of the new members alongside Chad, Chile, Lithuania and Saudi Arabia, is expected to occupy the seat for a period of two years, beginning from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2015.
This would be the fourth time Nigeria has been elected into the UNSC since independence with the overwhelming vote and support from other nations showing that all is not as bad as it seems for the nation. If other nations can believe in the strength and capability of our dear nation, what then is our excuse for propagating the ills and not the positives?
This UNSC election attests to the fact that the entire can reach a consensus on Nigeria on a key issue like security despite our own internal security challenges. One can only hope that if Nigeria can enjoy such a high level of goodwill from other nations of the world, a great deal of good can be achieved in the country if all concerned build the same level of consensus on pressing issues in the country especially as we go on the latest round of National dialogue towards revamping our fledgling brand, may be then we can reach the desired goals in education, infrastructure, health, employment, social justice and yes, internal security.
POSER: …Or do you have a different view?