Traumatised Pistorius At Risk Of Suicide

Olympic and Paralympic track star Oscar Pistorius sits in the dock in the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria

Oscar Pistorius has been suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) since shooting dead his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp and needs to continue being treated to avoid the risk of suicide, a court has heard.

The findings of a psychiatric report have been read out during the athlete’s murder trial in Pretoria.

It ruled Pistorius is not mentally ill , but has been “severely traumatised” by the events of Valentine’s Day last year.

Pistorius has no history of mental instability or violence, said his defence lawyer Barry Roux, who read out sections of the report.

The athlete’s relationship with Ms Steenkamp was loving and normal, he added.

Earlier, Pistorius’s manager, Peet van Zyl, was challenged by State Prosecutor Gerrie Nel over his assertion that Ms Steenkamp was the first girlfriend the athlete asked to accompany him on trips abroad.

An email from Pistorius to Mr van Zyl was read out by Mr Nel, in which the athlete sent his manager a copy of ex-girlfriend Samantha Taylor’s passport.

Mr van Zyl said he could not remember receiving such a message.

A letter from Pistorius to Ms Taylor in which he asked for her to go to the 2012 Olympics in London with him was read out by Mr Nel.

It said: “That is not fair on you, you have never given me a reason not to trust you.

“When I asked you to join me, I was so excited to tell you. I had asked Peet to find you a ticket last week.

“I don’t even feel like going to London if you cannot go with me.”

The last paragraph of the letter said: “It took me a long time to admit it to myself that I was in love with you Sam.”

Again, Mr van Zyl said he did not know if Pistorius asked for a ticket for the Olympics for Ms Taylor.

When asked how much he knew about Pistorius’s relationships with his girlfriends, Mr van Zyl said: “I was not part of Mr Pistorius’s private life.”

Sports medicine academic Professor Wayne Derman, who worked with the South African Olympic team, described Pistorius as being “hyper vigilant”, scanning his environment and cowering when he heard fireworks.

He told the court the levels of stress, anxiety and depression are greater in disabled athletes, and it is possible for them to have a heightened “fight or flight” response.

The last communication Professor Derman had with the athlete was early in February 2013, when Pistorius told him he was suffering from an upper-respiratory infection.

Professor Derman told him to go to a pharmacy, and added: “I asked him how life was treating him after the competition and he responded ‘he was lying next to the most amazing woman (Ms Steenkamp)’.”

After a lengthy debate and a break for lunch, Judge Thokozile Masipa ruled that an email from Sue Kent, a disabled massage therapist at London 2012, should not be allowed as evidence.

In the message she said it was important people realised Pistorius would have had a heightened “fight or flight” response before the shooting.

Pistorius denies murdering Ms Steenkamp, claiming he shot her after mistaking her for an intruder.

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