Their Neighbors Call Them “Cruel” For Having A Baby


This would be the classic story of two people finding love, starting a family, and living happily ever after — if it weren’t for the cruelness of bullies.Their story reminds a lot of Sherry Clair. She is a proud mother of her special needs son, but bullies told her she should have aborted her baby.

Simon Moore was born with Treacher Collins syndrome, a rare condition that affects one in 50,000 babies.

Though Simon’s cheekbones never developed and he is deaf, he is an otherwise normal guy. He met his wife Vicky at a sign language class.


The two hit it off and were married soon after. Like many couples, they wanted to have children.

Vicky underwent IVF, and though doctors were quick to destroy any embryos with TC, they knew there was no guarantee that their baby would be born without it.

After Vicky became pregnant, scans revealed that their baby girl, Alice, has TC. They decided to keep her anyway.

However, neighbors didn’t agree with their decision.

“My neighbor even said we were ‘cruel’ for bringing her into the world, but she’s our little angel, and we wouldn’t change a thing about her,” Vicky said.

While Alice’s condition isn’t as severe as Simon’s, she still must wear hearing aids.

Unfortunately, people are too caught up in how people look to see the beauty of how much this family loves each other.

“People literally stop dead in their tracks and point at her. Some have even said ‘ugh’ and laughed,” she recalled.


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