Niyi Odusi, consummate professional primed as next Magodo Chairman

By Saturday, watchers of Magodo Phase 2 politics believe that Niyi Odusi, a consummate insurance professional is primed to become the next Chairman of Magodo Residents’ Association (MRA).
The MRA is the body responsible for managing the affairs of the estate and over the years, competition for elective offices has become very keen and interesting as the exclusive estate is now seen as one of the best-organised non-private estates in Nigeria.
The name Magodo is derived from the Yoruba sentence, ‘don’t climb the mortar’, but it would seem that residents of the estate choose to even climb beyond the mortar and scale walls of excellence notwithstanding the challenges of the environment.
Magodo estate is a three thousand-plus household estate right opposite the imposing seat of power in Lagos, the Lagos State Secretariat in Alausa. It prides itself as one of the most dynamic, diverse, secure, functional and stable residential estates in Nigeria.
Magodo is known for its serene, posh and elegant quality complete with the maintenance of green zones and is generally considered a safe and ideal environment to raise a family. The estate is perhaps best known for being the first non-private estate to start enjoying premium status from an electricity distribution company, Ikeja Electric.
This is a special arrangement where the residents are charged a premium tariff with a guaranteed supply of power for a minimum period of about 20 hours. That pace-setting arrangement has now been replicated in some other estates across the country.
As the estate continues to evolve and innovate, higher standards are demanded of aspiring MRA executives, especially the Chairman. Sustaining and lifting the tempo of quality living requires meticulous planning and efficient management. This is why a critical group of stakeholders believe that the man for the job is Oduniyi Odusi.
Niyi Odusi is a dynamic insurance practitioner who possesses extensive skills, business acumen, leadership and management capabilities ideal for the position. According to the group, “He understands what community means and how to make it function. For Magodo estate to stay ahead in development, a man with a vision and extensive leadership credentials is needed to keep the estate on track for greater accomplishments.”
Odusi has enjoyed a flourishing career in the Insurance industry. The Insurance industry is one of the most competitive sectors in Nigeria and it takes a lot of ingenuity to rise to the top. Odusi has served as Executive Director, Business development and Branch Operations at Sovereign Trust Insurance Plc.
Before that, he was Managing Director/CEO of Libra Insurance Brokers Limited for over four years where he led a massive turnaround of strategic management, marketing and administrative operations with limited resources. Odusi has the skill set required to manage the resources of Magodo estate with a vision to grow it even further.
Magodo is a uniquely diverse estate that comprises people from multiple ethnic groups, different religions, public officials, private sector titans and even leaders of our security cluster. This uniqueness makes it imperative that the Chairman of the estate association must be able to relate fairly with all residents.
Odusi, once again, because of his strategic training in leadership and management, is eminently qualified to relate with residents at all levels without any form of discrimination. Magodo estate deserves a leader that commands respect and has the ability to draw opportunities into the estate. Odusi, based on his vast work experience and networks has the capacity to bring on board and execute ideas and plans that benefit Magodo.
As a lover of sports, Odusi will give sports development top priority if elected as Chairman. Creating a conducive sports environment for Magodo children and teenagers is on the front burner of his lofty ideals as Chairman of the association. Many attest to his quiet but efficient involvement in existing sports initiatives in the estate.
Odusi is not new to the management of the residents association. As an incumbent Vice-Chairman, he led the committee that implemented the secure access gates at the two entrances of the estate. He was also pivotal to increasing the internal revenue of the estate from a paltry sum to a very decent amount. He is poised to even take this higher if he is voted into the coveted post.
Odusi had his education at the University of Lagos, where he bagged a Bachelor of Science in Insurance and a Masters degree in Marketing. He has a demonstrably fertile mind that is great for coming up with ideas that work in any challenge as well as any environment in which he finds himself. Stakeholders are of the firm belief that his ideas, zest, zeal, and commitment can make Magodo Estate even greater.
Odusi is also an alumnus of Lagos Business School (AMP 23). Odusi’s competence, maturity and capacity are therefore not in doubt, and ‘Mogodoans’ can rest assured that their estate is not just in good hands but in great and excellent hands.
Odusi’s membership of prestigious clubs like Ikoyi Club 1938 adds verve to his great networking ability and relationships with peers, colleagues, friends, and the who-is-who in Nigeria. He relates easily with great minds with whom he enjoys shared visions of upgradable excellence.
As Chairman, Odusi will encourage independent social and cultural events within the estate. Such events will bring families together for fun and even educational purposes.
For a greater Magodo and an emerging smart community, Oduniyi Odusi is the man who can take Magodo