Nigeria Ranked #113 In Global Open Data Index
Nigeria has been ranked as one of the worst performing countries in terms of data transparency according to the Global Open Data Index 2015 tracking the state of open data worldwide releases by the Open Knowledge International.
Nigeria and Sudan tied at 113th place overall in terms of data transparency.
Myanmar, which recorded the lowest score globally with only 3% datasets ranked as open, is tied with Nigeria in 87th place in terms of openness of data on election results.
These are just some of the results reflected in the Global Open Data Index, collated by Open Knowledge, a global non-profit network group aimed at making government data more accessible to the general public. The index measures data transparency in 13 different sectors, ranging from weather reports to election results.
In determining what constitutes transparency, the data must first exist, preferably, in a digital form online so that more people are able to access the data. Also, the data should be fully released publicly for free and openly licensed. The data should be able to be processed by a machine or computer and updated on a timely basis.
To determine how Nigeria has fared we looked at the report which can be found below:
Nigeria performed admirably only in releasing information by the National Statistics (ranking 48th) and fulfilling most of the criteria set out by the index for transparency.
On the other hand, Nigeria has performed woefully in almost all other measurements of data transparency ranking 117th on legislation, 96th on procurement tenders, 87th on Election results, 87th on government spending, and 74th in water quality.