MTN Voted The Most Valuable, Most Admired African Brand

mtn-logo-shop-621x350MTN has topped the African list in the 2014 Brand Africa 100 as the most valuable and most admired African brand and came in second as the most admired brand after Coca-Cola.

Established in 2011, Brand Africa 100 measures and ranks the brands that consumers admire and their corresponding value in Sub-Sahara Africa. The list was dominated by electronics companies (17 per cent), beverages (14 per cent), auto manufacturers (14 per cent), apparel (12 per cent) and telecommunications (10 per cent).

MTN is valued at over US $5.4 billion and is the only African brand valued over a billion dollars. Apple, at US $105 billion, replaced Samsung as the continent’s most valuable non-African brand, reflecting the Korean company’s global issues. Coca Cola retained its position as the most admired non-African brand in Africa, toppling Nokia as the overall most admired brand in Africa.

Samsung, Nokia, Glo, Tigo and LG also made it to the top ten most admires brands. Safaricom also made it to the top 10 most valuable African Brands.

The 2014 Brand Africa 100 is based on a survey among a representative sample of eight countries, covering the major sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) regions to establish the top 100 most admired brands. These countries include Ghana and Nigeria (West Africa; Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda (East Africa); DRC (Central Africa) and Mozambique and South Africa (Southern Africa). All together, these countries represent 51 per cent (477 million) of SSA’s population and 67 per cent (US $1.065- trillion) of Africa’s GDP. These countries’ brands are also often the dominant brands with a dominant influence and consumer base within their regions.

What is also clear from the rankings is that non-African brands have a better command in the African market. The non-African brands command 77 of the 100 entries in the most admired brands and 99% of the value and it is worth too that most of the admired brands are electronics companies. Apple Samsung Google and Microsoft also topped as top ten most valuable Non-African brands.

African brands have performed fairly without any major decline. They have not lost any value year to year (US $11 billion), but the brands have not gained any market share and their worth has declined in relative terms (from 2 per cent of total value in 2013 to only 1 per cent)



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