Ebola Enters The UK As Cases Rises Over 20,000
A case of Ebola has been confirmed in Scotland, according to medical sources. The deadly virus was detected in a volunteer, understood to be a woman, returning to Glasgow from West Africa last night.
She began to feel unwell and went to seek medical help. It is understood that she is undergoing treatment at Gartnavel Hospital in Glasgow.
The patient had been working with sufferers in a region badly affected by the epidemic, it is understood. The deadly virus has caused havoc in West Africa, killing thousands of people.
The illness can kill within days if it goes untreated.
According to the World Health Organisation, more than 20,000 people have been infected by Ebola in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea since the outbreak of the virus began.
The organization in a statement on Monday said that there have been more than 7,842 Ebola-related deaths recorded, and 20,081 cumulative cases of infection in the three worst hit countries.
More than a third are laboratory-confirmed cases in Sierra Leone, which has become the worst-hit country in the worst outbreak of the disease on record.