Driven by innovation & technology. The Tecno Brand Mobile story

TECNOAll successful brands the world over share one key element in their success story and that is hard work. TECNO Mobile is not left out in this universal trend of unique brand development, high quality product offerings, affordability and improvement…improvement…improvement.

TECNO Mobile offerings in mobile voice and data technologies, which include: smart phones, tablets and feature phones ranges enjoy huge popularity and adoption in Africa. Continue…

A market in need…TECNO to meet

The African market has always had a huge purchasing potential and can build a strong affinity for value driven products only of brands understood the peculiar needs of the African market space. TECNO Mobile is one of such brand that understood Africa’s unique infrastructural challenges, consumer behavior and tailored their products to meet this significant market. In 2006 when TECNO Mobile entered the African Mobile OEMs space there were existing top global brands already operating within the African space from the likes of NOKIATM, SAMSUNG, ALCATEL, MOTOROLATM to name a few. However, none of these global brands factored in the Power challenges and the fairly nascent Telecos infrastructural development across the continent in their design of mobile cell products. Many of the mobile voice operators at the time had infrastructure that struggled to deliver quality voice connections across a wide range thus the advent of TECNO Mobile Dual-SIM products.

TECNO sold unique ideas at affordable rate

TECNO Mobile Dual-SIM philosophy for Africa is hinged on the fact that telecommunications infrastructure for land lines service is under developed and over burdened and cannot meet Africa’s over whelming need for voice service and the fact that many African consumers demand a mobile device that can hold more than one SIM card. TECNO introduced the Dual-SIM technology to the African market and price-friendly rate and Africa took notice. Now as we know not all price-friendly and affordable phone in the Nigeria market today are good, most are counterfeit phones and are dangerous, some of them may explode, some them have high radiation, they are not approved by SON they cause serious damage to the user both short and long term use. SON is having a serious crack down on this and it is a very good move as us, Nigerians have to safe guard our health and out future.

TECNO Mobile success

TECNO Mobile did not relevant in capitalizing on the opportunity the Africa market provided; Africa was willing to do welcome TECNO Mobile when Nokia and Samsung was dominating the market. The mobile manufacturer offered affordability, originality and aspiration in their range of products and customer base began to swell. By 2009, TECNO Mobile had become an accepted and robust competitor with low-end mobile devices that offered value at affordable rates.

TECNO Mobile has come of age

TECNO believe in Africa and have achieved success alongside Africa. Today Africa is home to some of the world’s fastest growing economies averaging an annual growth rate of more than 5.0% with agrowing middle class with taste for high quality experience. TECNO Mobile has grown with Africa having consolidated on its position as a major mobile manufacturer company,  once again delivering unique insight-based mobile technology service to Africa’s growing urban dwellers. The company currently has moved its Research and development (R&D) headquarters to Shanghai, a strong team of French designers in a drive to deliver, contemporary, high functional, competitive and stylish products to the African market. “Africa is our sole market …and we will treat her right” this isquote byArif Chowdhury, Vice President, Transsion holdings

The successful and of course noteworthy launch of the Phantom Z smart phone; the first high-end and the first truly the only Octa-core processor smart phone in the world by TECNO Mobile Nigeria goes to show TECNO Mobile’s level of aspirations and global competitiveness.

Meet TECNO’s phantom family

TECNO Phantom A+, R7 and Phantom Z epitomize affordability, performance, speed, style and lifestyle. These high quality smart phones have clearly raised the bar in terms of value-for-money for any global mobile phone brand that wishes to compete in the Africa space at both the mid and high-end of offerings. “TECNO Mobile will continue to also build lasting value in the Africa communities by driving initiatives such as the Local apps development challenge in partnership with sister company Afmobi “ Said Arif Chowdhurry.

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