DMO releases N1.2 trn FGN bond Issuance calendar for Q3

The Debt Management Office has indicated plans to issue Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) bonds valued at N1.2 trillion in its third quarter “Bond Issuance Calendar” for 2023.
According to the calendar, on July 17, the DMO will re-open a 14.55 percent, April 2029 FGN bond. Valued between N80 billion to N100 billion.
It has a 10-year original tenor, with a term-to-maturity of five years and nine months.
Also on July 17, the DMO will re-open a 14.70 percent, June 2033 FGN bond valued between N80 billion to N100 billion, with a 10-year original tenor and term-to-maturity of nine years, 11 months.
On the same date, the DMO will re-open a 15.45 percent June 2038 FGN bond valued at between N80 billion to N100 billion, with a 15-year original tenor, and term-to-maturity of 14 years, 11 months.
Again, on July 17, the office will re-open a 15.70 percent, June 2053 FGN bond, valued between N80 billion to N100 billion, with a 30-year original tenor, and term-to-maturity of 29 years, 11 months.
On Aug. 14, the DMO says it will, again, re-open the 14.55 percent, April 2029 FGN bond valued between N80 billion to N100 billion, this time, with term-to-maturity of five years, eight months.
Also on Aug. 14, the DMO will re-open the 14.70 percent, July 2033 FGN bond valued between N80 billion to N100 billion, with term-to-maturity of nine years, 10 months.
It will also re-open the 15.45 per cent, June 2038 FGN bond valued between N80 billion to N100 billion on Aug. 14; this time, with term-to-maturity of 14 years, 10 months.
Also on Aug. 14, the DMO will re-open the 15.70 percent, June 2053 FGN bond valued at between N80 billion to N100 billion, with a new term-to-maturity of 29 years, 10 months.
On Sept. 11, the DMO will, again, re-open the 14.55 percent, April 2029 FGN bond, valued between N80 billion to N100 billion; with a new term-to-maturity of five years, seven months.
Also, on Sept. 11, it will re-open the 14.70 percent, June 2033 FGN bond valued between N80 billion to N100 billion; with term-to-maturity of nine years, nine months.
On the same date, it will re-open the 15.45 percent, June 2038 FGN bond,valued between N80 billion to N100 billion, with a term-to-maturity of 14 years, nine months.
Finally, on Sept 11, the DMO will re-open the 15.70 percent, June 2053 FGN bond, valued at between N80 billion to N100 billion; with term-to-maturity of 29 years and nine months.
BRANDPOWER reports that the FGN savings bonds, like other government securities such as the FGN savings bonds, the treasury bills, and the Sukuk bond, constitute the domestic component of government’s borrowing plan.
BRANDPOWER reports that for re-openings of previously issued bonds, successful bidders would be required to pay a price corresponding to the yield-to-maturity bid that clears the volume being auctioned plus any accrued interest on the instrument.