BoI launches TradeMoni repayment recharge card

The Bank of Industry (BoI) has begun the roll-out of its voucher-based loan repayment recharge cards for the GEEP TraderMoni, MarketMoni, and FarmerMoni loans.

According to Agency reports, the bank has promised that through a flexible weekly loan repayment plan of N430 per week paid over six months or N860 per week paid over three months, TraderMoni beneficiaries can use the cards to pay back their loans and qualify for the next loan of N15, 000.

When they pay that back, they graduate to the N20,000 stage, and then they ultimately graduate into the MarketMoni program where they can get up to N100,000.

The government has insisted that the Government Empowerment & Enterprise Program (GEEP) has enabled easy access to finance and working capital for as many as 1.7million traders across the country since it started in 2016.

These loans are part of the Federal government’s plan to broaden financial inclusion at the base of the pyramid, and spur economic growth at the grass-roots.


Posted By Oyedeyi Samson

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