Behold The World’s New Youngest Billionaire Brand is a 24Year Old Woman From Hong Kong
Kowloon, Hong Kong
A secretive 24-year old woman from Hong Kong recently took the title of world’s youngest billionaire, according to Forbes’ latest data, displacing 29-year old Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz.
She’s so under-the-radar, Forbes and other publications have failed to find a verifiable photo of her. But thanks to public business records, they know her name: Perenna Kei.
Unlike Moskovitz and many of the other young billionaires on Forbes’ list, Kei’s wealth was inherited, not self-made.
Her father, Ji Haipeng, is the chairman and CEO of Logan Property Holdings, where Kei is currently a non-executive director. The company focuses on residential property development and owns subsidiaries in mainland China.
Kei’s reported net worth comes out to $1.3 billion, thanks to an 85% stake in her father’s company through different companies and a family trust. Her father is still listed as an interested party in her shares. Wealth intelligence firm Wealth-X estimates her liquid assets at $6.5 million, and found her listed as the sole owner of Dragon Jubilee Investments, Gao Run Holdings and Thrive Ally, all investment companies based in the British Virgin Islands.
Several sources report that Kei graduated with a bachelor’s degree in economics and finance from the University of London. Wealth-X puts her graduation date at August 2011, though she had been serving as director of Logan Property Holdings since May 2010. She also reportedly studied for a Diploma in Economics at the Singapore Institute of Management, according to Wealth-X.
Kei’s wealth reportedly increased when Logan Property Holdings was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in December 2013. The company made some $190 million in its IPO, according to Wealth-X.
Kei currently resides in Tsim Sha Tsui, a trendy neighborhood in Kowloon, Hong Kong, according to Wealth-X. She is one of 42 new female billionaires to make Forbes’ 2014 list.
Source: Business Insider